All volunteers must be approved as a volunteer through Lake Washington School District (LWSD). Visit LWSD's volunteer page for more information or to apply. Your approved status is valid for two years and allows you to volunteer anywhere in the district.

Volunteer Opportunities

We need YOUR help to keep our PTSA going.

At minimum, there are 3 positions we MUST fill in order to have an active PTSA: President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

If we do not have these positions filled by our General Membership meeting on May 15th, our PTSA will not be able to operate next school year. 


What does an inactive PTSA mean for Bell?  

It means all of the following programs will not exist in 2024-25.



Please take a look at the positions below and email, if you’d like to learn more about any of the roles. 


*Time estimates are based on our current calendar of events and will fluctuate depending on time of year. Each board may decided to do less or more and hours will fluctuate accordingly.




Do you want to get involved but aren't sure how to? 


Complete this volunteer interest form to let us know what you might be interested in helping out with. We will reach out as we begin planning events/programs that align with your interests. Or, email and we will find a spot for you!